From a numerological perspective, 2020 is going to be a very revolutionary year, especially for women. Until July 4th, 2020, the United States remains in a 5 personal year – a year of major change. From viewing the numerological charts of almost everyone with a title in our government, I would say that we are truly in store for a very major change. Perhaps we may see a swarm of woman going to the polls in November to affect profound change…we shall see. 
As I have expressed before, this millennial of the 2000s is influenced by a strong female vibration – the number 2. The number 2 is associated with adaptability diplomacy, graciousness, hospitality, patience, prudence, trustworthiness, and tolerance. And 2020 adds an additional 2, which can bring forth a “double whammy” of those qualities. The double 0s are also important from this perspective, because the 0 represents divine guidance, inspiration, and protection. Of course, as with all things, it’s all in one’s state of mind that makes these vibrations positive or negative. Regardless of your biologic gender identity, as you go forth in this exciting New Year, consider the energies of these vibrations in your own life from both a personal and professional perspective. All humans have aspects of the “feminine” and “masculine” in our energy fields and this year is a time when the feminine force in all of us will be playing large!
2020 reduces to the 4 and it is therefore a 4-year universally. The 4, when added to each individual month, brings forth the universal influences affecting each month, as follows:
January: 1 (the month) + 4 (the year) = 5: The 5 brings a shift or change for the better or, less ideally, impatience for change. On the positive side, the 5 is the number of things moving quickly to alter any negative aspects associated with circumstances and situations. Negatively, it can bring about restlessness, dissention, and even riot-like actions from those who are in disharmony with their environs. You may see or wish to see change in your own life or experience it in your own families, communities, or the world at large. Remember to go with the flow…change will be coming so like a surfer on a wave, ride it as best you can.
February: 2 + 4 = 6: The 6 is the number of humanitarianism. Hopefully, there will be many positive actions and reactions for helping those in need during this month, such as creating or setting the stage for more jobs, health benefits, and other life-improving conditions throughout the USA. Negatively, it can be a vibration that amplifies the stern judgments and inhospitable stances of individuals that object to socially progressive programs. Closer to home, you may find opportunities to reach out and improve the lives of your loved ones or work associates. Just know that if this comes up for you, you are in alignment with the overall energy of the month.
March: 3 + 4 = 7: The 7 is associated with all things unique and unusual. It is also correlated with enlightenment, idealism, spirituality, truth seeking, and wisdom. Making use of some or all of those qualities could be helpful to the downtrodden on this planet, especially by understanding that there are more than just us humans that make this world what it is. Human thoughts are powerful, and the more one can think positively, the better off we are. Negatively, the 7 can be experienced by some as circumstance that hinder them personally or cause them to disconnect or disassociate with most of what is occurring around them. These attitudes can bring about cynicism and anti-social behavior, which thereby cause stagnation. As many accept, what occurs is quite likely what is meant to be. Acknowledging that can help you better navigate all future occurrences.
April: 4 + 4 = 8: The 8 is associated with power, fame, and abundance and is the most powerful of the female-oriented numbers. It is the vibrational overseer of courage, dignity, honesty, responsibility, and progress. Despite being considered a feminine number, its energy exists in all genders. Negatively affected it can bring forth abuse of power, avariciousness, restrictions, and uncivilized circumstances. In April, you may see more power plays than usual, either personally or on the national or international stages.  
May: 4 + 5 = 9: The 9 is the number of the “universal humanitarian”. Qualities associated with the 9 are benevolence, compassion, generosity, hospitality, tolerance, and enlightenment. Negatively expressed, those delightful features could be shrouded by bigotry, fearfulness, greed and superficiality. It is easy to imagine any number of ways this energy may express itself. Perhaps on a personal level, compassion comes to the forefront to heal a troubled relationship. Maybe on the national stage some of the polarization and intolerance melts away. We can only hope.   
June: 4 + 6 = 10/1: The number 10/1 is associated with temperance and good fortune. Its vibration possesses all the qualities of the 1, but it is a “gentle 1.” This number also portends “new beginnings,” along with ambition and achievement, originality and perseverance. Therefore, something could occur during the month of June that will signal a change in your personal life, career, USA, or the world, for the better. It certainly makes sense that a month of compassion and healing would be followed by a month of “new beginnings”. Make the most of it!
July: 4 + 7 = 11: July is an 11-month for the nation. The 11, positively expressed, is associated with enlightened guidance and evolution. Negatively expressed, the 11 can cause indecision, skepticism, and unpredictability. The USA’s personal year changes this month to a 6 year from July 2020 to June 2021. The USA, therefore, will be experiencing it’s New Year as a 6, with the July overtone of the 11. The 6, again, is the number of humanitarianism. Adding the high vibration of the evolutionary 11 to that could bring about some radical changes to our country and our society – for the better. Let’s hope and pray that will occur.
August: 4 + 8 = 12/3: The 12 is the number of “sacrificing one’s own needs for the sake of others.” That would be a positive aftermath of what might occur in July – taking up the torch of helping those who suffer in our homes, communities, and around the country and world – as America has been known for doing for many generations past. The 12 reduces to the 3 (1+2 = 3) and that can indicate that something positive can occur in our country and our world. The 3 is a symbol of good fortune in many cultures, and it might be a good thing to hold that idea in stead to hopefully bring forth something special and positive in August. On a national level, hat is the month that the Democrats choose a nominee for the Presidency.
September: 4 + 9 = 13/4: This is a number of transformation and revolution. One can only imagine, considering the Democratic nominee will have been named, what type of transformative energy might be in play for the USA! The USA will be in a 15/6 month (read November below for its interpretation). The 13/4 is a symbol of power, which if wrongly used will bring forth negative circumstances for whoever might be the instigator of same. It may be up to “The Gods” to harness the outcome of this month’s drama, at least from a political standpoint. I make no conjecture on this political outcome. In one of my reference books, the Number 13 suggests the possibility of something unknown or unexpected. If you have been navigating the prior months successfully, you are ready for this month, which can bring about something unexpected that can be applied for your own greater success.
October: 4 + 10 = 14/5: This is a 14/5 for the universe, and a 7 for the USA (7 being the number that brings forth unique and unusual circumstances and situations). The 14/5, on the other hand, is a number that is fortunate for dealings with money, speculation, and changes in ones career, but there is always a strong element of risk attached to it, sometimes owing to the actions and foolhardiness of others. The bottom line is to be diligent, thoughtful, and prudent in October, particularly with respect to anything with financial implications.  
November : 4 + 11 = 15/6: The number 15 is associated with magic and mystery; but as a rule it does not represent the higher side of those elements. Any person(s) represented by it may use every act of magic they can for their aims, even nefarious sources to gain what he or she desires. The 14/5 is also associated with “good talkers” and someone with a strong personal magnetism, qualities that are general associated with politicians.
Since the election is on the 3rd of November, I checked out President Donald Trump’s numbers in relation to that date, and found that he has the 11 as the overtone of that day. The 11 is a high spiritual number and therefore, possibly, it is simply up to the higher source (God for some) whether he remains in office or not. Biden has the number 3 as his overtone for that day, and that is the number of bounty and good fortune . . . but still we don’t know who the nominee will be. Elizabeth Warren has the number 1 as the overtone for that day and that means “new beginnings” for her, so that could go either way. Bernie Sanders has an 8 on that day, and it’s a 5 month for him – the 5 meaning major change and the 8 meaning winning! That would be quite an unusual conclusion, I would speculate. Biden’s good fortune could simply be Trump losing. Warren’s new beginnings could be a democratically controlled senate or the promise of a fed job. At this time, the outcome of this election is anyone’s guess.
December is a 16/7 month. The 16/7: usually brings past actions home to roost, providing a reason to contemplate and reflect on preceding events in order to understand a current outcome. And as stated earlier, the 7 is associated with all things unusual. Whatever happens in December, whether personal, professional, or national, upon reflection, you may be surprised. Hopefully, the surprise will be a delightful gift you receive from under the Christmas tree.
All in all, 2020 is chock full of interesting numerological dynamics and possibilities. Accepting this likelihood can help you to better navigate your own apprehension or discernment to affect the best outcomes for you and those you love. 
Wishing you much joy, health, and success in 2020!


1. JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN, JR. His name (the social self) reduces to the 9, which is the number of the “Universal Humanitarian,” but it has also been described as “the politician’s number,” primarily, I assume, because those with a 9 character are very charismatic, charming, caring and convincing. Because Biden is the forerunner of all the candidates at this time, it appears he is making good use of his 9. He also has a very conciliatory personality (he’s born on the 20th [the peacemaker) and he has an 11 Destiny (his motivator – which BTW 8 other presidents have had as their destiny number), the number of high intuition, compassion, understanding, and inspired guidance. His chart shows that he has winning numbers. Time will tell.
2. ELIZABETH ANN HERRING (WARREN). Her name reduces to the 7, the number of “the genius,” and her personality number is the 22, a Master Number in numerology, associated with one who is a visionary, and would tend to be energetic, constructive, humanitarian, and influential. Her Destiny number is the 6, associated with one who “goes the extra mile” with whatever endeavor or challenge she accepts, also known as the number of the humanitarian and the dutiful seeker of fairness and justice. Her chart gives her the 37/1 starting in 2020 and that number stays in the same place for the next 8 years. It is the number of vigilance, influence and achievement. 
3. KAMALA DEVI HARRIS. Her Character (name) number is the 8, the number of the CEO, the Producer/Director, the Teacher of Teachers, and the Class Act. She is born on the 20th, so her personality is much like Biden’s, as the peacemaker and arbitrator. Her Destiny number (the personal motivator) is a 6 like Elizabeth Warren. Her chart shows she will make a very good showing because of her willingness to put others before her own needs and steadfast desire to make a difference. 
4. BERNARD SANDERS. His name number is the 7, like Elizabeth Warren’s. So he’s also packing around some high order cares, concepts and concerns, as is quite obvious from his impassioned speeches. He was born on the 8th, which is comparable to Ms. Harris’ Character number, but it is his “behind the scenes” personality. His Destiny number is a 5 – his motivator – and the 5 is known as the number of enthusiasm, energy, and emancipation, which appears to be his focus. His chart shows that regardless of whether he is elected or not, he will continue his crusade into his 90s.
5. PETER PAUL MONTGOMERY BETTIGIEG. His name number is the 1 – that of the leader, innovator, instigator, and originality. He was born on the 19th, which means that he can be more like “a dog with a bone” than anyone in this grouping. He will not give up his quest for anyone or anything – he lives it inside and out. And, to add to that intense and potent combination, he has the number 22 as his Destiny number, which is the number of a workaholic, but also one who is a visionary who is wholly conscientious, dedicated, persevering, and resolute. It’s no wonder he’s in the top 5 of all the other Democratic contenders. His chart shows that, although he is putting his very best intentions out there, and because he is definitely not a “good loser,” he will have a period in his near future that will give him the impetus to strategize his next ingenious conception that will enable him to make a grand slam comeback in his late 40s and early 50s.
6. COREY ANTHONY BOOKER. His name number is the 4. This number offers that he would tend to be very forthright – even finding it difficult NOT to say things that might put others at odds with his opinion. He must speak his truth. However, he was born on the 27th, which reduces to a 9, which is the “politician’s” number. In general, he is a potential winner because he possesses a very appealing persona that wins him friends and can influence many. His Destiny number is the same as Biden’s – the 11. This is a Master Number, and it is one that puts the onus on helping, giving, caring and counseling. Because it’s also considered a “giver” number, I would say that Mr. Booker is likely to be authentically caring and concerned with whatever he has chosen as his political agenda, and he would do everything possible to bring about beneficial and conciliatory results. His chart shows that he may achieve some of his greatest hopes, and that someway, in the next 2 years, his name will be well known.
7. ROBERT FRANCIS O’ROURKE (BETO). Mr. O’Rourke’s name number is the 8, the attributes of which, in that same position, are the same as Kamala Harris. It is a number of one who can’t let anyone down if he has “signed on the line” to serve in any capacity for helping others. He was born on the 26th, which also reduces to an 8, thereby giving “Beto” the mission, inside and out, to help and serve others in one capacity or another, and to do his best to never falter in that purview. His Destiny number is the 9, which gives him an additional impetus to serve and give to the masses. The 9 is known as “the one who must sacrifice his own needs for the sake of the masses.” That’s not to say that everyone with a 9 Destiny grasps that mission and advocates for others, but it certainly appears to be the path for Beto O’Rourke. His chart shows that his name will become better known after 2020, comparable to Corey Booker’s chart – hummm?
8. AMY JEAN KLOBUCHAR. Ms. Klobuchar’s name number is the 7 – the analytical, bookish, broad-minded, cerebral intuit. Okay, so she’s also a genius, like Ms. Warren.☺ She is born on the 25th which reduces to a 7 (2+5=7) and makes her doubly someone who can think out of the “patriarchal box”, make her own decisions, and walk her own walk. In her case, though, her personality is one that I would immediately label as “a renegade,” because her Destiny (motivator) number is the 1. The 1, 4, and 7 are the “renegade” numbers – simply meaning that she walks exclusively to her very own drumbeat, and can bring about incredible and ingenious ways to do whatever she is most interested in doing or achieving. She is what Nobel Prize winners are made of. She is someone who will never be convinced that what she perceives and conceives is not right, regardless of what her opposition might say. Her motto is “I’m in it to win it,” and she is definitely willing and able to hang in when the going gets tough. In fact, her chart shows that in 2020, she will be given some kind of positive acknowledgment for her efforts, which will take her into the next 8 years doing what she does best – making changes that work for the many as opposed to the few.
9. JULIAN CASTRO. Mr. Castro’s name number is an 8, like Kamala Harris and Beto O’Rourke. (see description above). He was born on the 16th, which is comparable to Ms. Klobuchar’s “personality” number – the 25/7. The 16 reduces to a 7, so he comes to the table with some genius too (as do the whole lot of these candidates or they wouldn’t have made it this far). His Destiny number is the 1, so he has two qualities that are comparable to his co-running mate Ms. Klobuchar. He could be a force to contend with, too, but his congenial, principled Character number 8, will take some of the edge off his indubitable will to win. His chart shows that regardless of whether he wins the Democratic nomination or not, he will be serving conscientiously and diligently for many years to come in whatever capacity he finds himself. 
10. TULSI GABBARD. Ms. Gabbard also has an 8 as her name number. It’s no surprise that 4 out of 10 of these candidates have an 8 as their “social self.” It is a number, when it represents a person, of self-confidence, courage, leadership, and stamina. Ms. Gabbard was born on the 12th, which is often expressed in numerology as the number of “one who must sacrifice their own needs for the sake of others.” She’s certainly in the right career for that calling. Her Destiny (Motivator) is also an 8, so she has a double whammy of conscientiousness, competence, good judgment, integrity, and leadership abilities. Her chart shows that starting in 2020 and lasting for 8 years hence, her presence will be known and she will continue to make a contribution to the betterment of humankind.
11. ANDREW YANG. Mr. Yang’s name number is a 4. Comparable to Mr. Booker, he “may be” very honest, upfront and forthright in his presentation. To solidify that personality prop, he was also born on the 13th, which reduces to a 4, and gives him a double influence of the 4’s determination, conventionality, practicality, persevering, and candid qualities. However, I wrote above that he “may be” very honest and forthright because he also has a 9 as his Destiny number (the motivator) and 9s do not like to put all their cards on the table. They can be, in fact, very smooth and calculating by affecting a nature that seems to please everyone. The 9 is the number of the politician, and because Mr. Yang has it in the most powerful position for his personality, I would say that everything he delivers may not be what he wants to say, but rather conforms to what he thinks his constituency would like to hear. I believe, however, that his heart and mind are in the right place, because the 4 is a number of a giver and one who especially wants to help those who can’t help themselves as well as others. Also, some of the greatest humanitarian leaders have had 9 destinies, like Mother Teresa and Gandhi, so I don’t want to make an unfair analysis of Mr. Yang, because he could ultimately be one who makes a very big difference in the lives of the many, for the positive. His chart shows that he is on a firm and steady path that will continue for many years into his future.  
12. MARIANNE DEBORAH WILLIAMSON. I know most everyone would want to learn what makes Ms. Williamson tick. Well, I think I may know. First of all, she is revered in spiritual enclaves. That speaks well of her for my personal reasons. Her name number is a 3, which is what I call the “Chatty Cathy” number (would you believe I have that same name number??!! ☺). That means that she has the ability to be very eloquent, enthusiastic, engaging, and exhilarating for others. And I’m sure that her fans have found her to be so on this political stage. She was born on an 8 day, so she would be one whose true, behind-the-scenes, self would want very much to nurture and help others to the best of her ability. The 8 is the highest “feminine” vibration and therefore emanates nurturing qualities. It seems to me that she is on a quest to bring greater focus to the stage of the populace at this time for presenting ways and means, for all who are willing to listen, to care for and love one another through higher consciousness. She may be just the beginning of more and more individuals, with comparable aspirations, who will throw their hat in the political ring to bring greater attention to things that really matter for our human existence, like saving the earth, for instance, and other causes that threaten our very existence. Ms. Williamson has a 5 destiny, which gives her energy to burn, so you will likely see much more of her even after the elections have come and gone. The 5 is that of the “freedom fighter” and I’m sure she has some motivations to that end. 
The CEO of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, to see if there might be a change in his chart that could bring about a major change in our gun control laws. Fortunately, there are signs that after his birthday (November 8) in 2020, and starting around February-March of 2021, his chart shows that there will be changes that would be unexpected for him that will change his life path in a significant way for many years into his future. My conclusion is that the House and the Senate will also have some big changes coming after the 2020 elections – which primarily have to do with who wins the presidency.
I also ran the chart of Lt. Col. Oliver North, who resigned as the President of the NRA in April of 2019, but I would suspect he is still a card-carrying member. His birthday is October 7, 1943, and it shows the same influences as LaPierre’s chart at the same time for quite a few years into his future. I ran the charts of 4 others who are strong advocates of the NRA and found that all of them had numbers in 2021 that were comparable to LaPierre’s and North’s charts.
Ergo, it appears there’s a strong possibility that one of the following Presidential hopefuls will win in 2020 and therefore there will then be fast and swift changes for the better associated with what is likely the most important issue in our country at this time. – – gun control.


I’ve spent hours analyzing the November 6th election results and came to the conclusion that the easiest thing I could write about was my analysis of the birth dates of those women who were recently elected to office in the House of Representatives.

As you are all likely aware, there was a “flood of women” who threw their hat into the proverbial House of Representative’s ring, which ended up not only giving the Democrats a majority hold on the House, but also represented the largest influx of federal female legislators in our country’s history.

I decided to analyze winners (both Democrats and Republicans) by their days of birth [the 1st, 5th, 16th, etc., which I call the “Personality” number] and the full addition of their birth dates [which offers their “destiny numbers”] to see how many women who won had more of the “female-oriented” numbers [2, 4, 6, 8, 11]. These are the numbers that put greater emphasis on helping, serving and nurturing humankind, as opposed to the “male-oriented” numbers [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] which are generally associated with action and enhancing things that advance mankind to higher levels of dominion. Any of the numbers can go either way, but the dominant mission of the “female-oriented” numbers is that of nurturing over supremacy. The 9 and 11, because of their primary spiritual mission, can fluctuate back and forth, but ultimately tend to follow their higher calling.

My analysis of the women both elected and re-elected, which totaled 130, showed that the highest counts for the day-of-birth numbers were 3 [with 23], 4 [with 19], 6 [with 18], and 8 [with 13] totaling 73, which is more than one-half of the women who won their elections. The following are brief interpretations of these personality numbers:

THE PERSONALITY NUMBER: This influence defines someone’s true self – the self that is exhibited when you are in your most comfortable environment.

The “3” personality gives the individual eloquence, charm, and a pleasing nature which is a great asset in political corridors. They also have a strong interest in the sciences, a definite love of the arts, and will work to bring attention and endowments to them. The 3 also gives them an ability to make everyone in their environment feel included and valued.

The “4” personality tends to present a more direct and emphatic persona. She/he must express their truth regardless of how it may fall on opposing ears. The 4, being a female-oriented number, cares greatly about helping and serving others and can easily take up causes that call for inordinate and concentrative efforts for their cause. They are dedicated and loyal to their constituents, as well as great debaters.

The “6” personality is the quintessential nurturing person. Whether a woman or man, these people have a heart for “the many” and they tend to be especially concerned with helping those who have the most difficulty attaining the help and services they need. Their concern for fairness and justice is a prominent passion and they can be quite self-righteous in these areas.

The “8” personality is the “Chairman of the Board.” These women can effectively and efficiently run a country, if so inclined. They are confident, competent, dignified, honorable, organized and resourceful. They hold their ingrained principles above all else and usually bring a progressive quality to everything they do. Their executive abilities are unparalleled, and their integrity and judiciousness are their greatest strengths. These women are exemplars and will likely bring positive changes to the House (and Senate) by their leadership.

THE DESTINY NUMBER: This is the most powerful influence of all. It is the compelling force within someone that gives a sense of focus and direction. It offers with whom, and what, where, and how someone will manifest their life.

The Destiny Numbers that were most prevalent in the women who won the election in 2018 were the 4 [with 23], 7 [with 21] and 8 [15].

The 4 destiny gives this individual a yearning to help others through their work, in one way or another. The political arena is certainly a perfect fit to render and fulfill this need. These people tend to be forthright, honest, extremely dedicated, loyal and dependable. When they are committed to a job or cause, they will extend themselves beyond the call of duty. They are like the Rock of Gibraltar – steady, firm, reliable, and self-confident, and they never deny a request that is associated with their commitment no matter how arduous or time-consuming it may be. Microsoft’s Bill Gates is a good example of this steadfast and philanthropic number vibration.

The 7 destiny gives one uncommon dignity and grace, especially in the public. Ruth Bader Ginsberg is a good example of this destiny number. This number delivers genius and a perfectionist nature that can be incomparable. These people would desire to be in the political arena to bring forth their concepts of how to make the world a better place. They are deep thinkers and possess a unique and unconventional approach that can bring about extraordinary changes in any area on which they are focused.

The 8 destiny is tailor-made for the political field. It is the number of money, power, and fame, but it is also one of the “nurturing” numbers. Most born with this destiny number have a gnawing need to help and serve mankind. They are born capable of handling the high office they seek and, once committed, cannot let anyone down for any reason in relation to their work and commitment, and that includes themselves. They are the most earnest, efficient, persevering, and prudent of all the numbers. General Douglas MacArthur, who was born on an 8 day with an 8 destiny, is a great example of the capabilities of an 8-destiny person.

Basically, there is approximately a 50/50 ratio of the female-oriented numbers to the male-oriented numbers in this compilation. In my not-so-humble opinion, I believe a balanced ratio whenever decisions are being made for the general public is a good thing. Of course, males have the female-oriented numbers, too, just as women have male-oriented numbers, so it would appear that we are trending toward balance not only in gender, but also in numerological influences that broaden the perspective and hopefully the wisdom of our governance.

One day, perhaps sooner than later (like 2020, if another “flood of women” run for and win public offices) the ratio of actual males to females will be as balanced in Congress as the numbers influencing our newest members of the house.

It has been frequently repeated in recent years that we are in a time when the frequency of energy represented by the female gender is being reinvigorated for the betterment of not only our country, but the world and our planet. This numerological examination suggests we are making good progress toward that destiny.


What will be the outcome for the local, state, and national elections on November 6th? My analysis of the numbers for the USA in this year on that date indicates that there will be a positive outcome, but for which faction of our divided country?  That is quite difficult to determine and I must say that I am aware that my personal preferences could prejudice my analysis of this subject matter. 

Since this is the “woman’s millennium,” I decided it might be more interesting and hopefully more objective to analyze election numbers from a gender perspective vs political ideology. While women have been able to vote for over a century, they are still a decided minority in Congress today at less than 20% (19.4% to be exact). And even though 50 years have passed since the Women’s Rights Movement was launched in 1968, only 5% of women are CEOs of major corporations and women’s wages are still approximately 13% below those of their male counterpart in the US. The country’s numbers suggest that these statistics will experience a rapid change over the next few decades, beginning in 2020, if not on the 6th of November this year. 

From a numerological standpoint, America is in a personal 4 year, and November is its personal 6 month. The 4 is a number that helps to bring forth a secure and stable foundation to ensure personal goals are achieved. The 6 is all about accountability, responsibility, a balancing of the scales, and humanitarianism, so with those qualities as its guide posts, November 6th is an appropriate date for tallying up votes to learn which goals for governance will be met. 

Moreover, the 6th of November is the day the votes will be cast and counted. My calculations show it as 3 day for the USA. The 3 is a symbol of joy and elation, and also good fortune, and the numbers suggest that a majority of US citizens will experience these feelings as a result of the election. Perhaps more women of both parties will win their elections and there will be an overall feeling of positivity from both parties due to this potential outcome.

The 2 is the most prevalent number vibration in the 2000s.  We are coming up on 2020 and there are two 2s and two 0s in that number (the latter being associated with divine guidance, inspiration, and protection). The 2 is the number of peace, harmony, altruism, cooperation, courteousness, hospitality, and trustworthiness, among other things. Those are qualities that America needs to reclaim in state and national politics! Perhaps this change will come about because of gender rather than party affiliation and if so, then a tsunami wave of the female persuasion voting and winning in the upcoming elections will be the reset our country needs.

My mental flag of victory is flying high for a big win by women in the upcoming elections.


AN ANALYSIS OF DONALD JOHN TRUMP’S NUMEROLOGICAL CHART shows that problematical circumstances began for him in 2013 and will continue forward until 2030.

Curious about 2013, I found an article online about the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow, written by Jon Swaine in New York and Shaun Walker in Moscow, commenting on Donald Trump’s attempts to get close to Putin at that time. The following is an excerpt of that article

“Sitting in a makeshift studio overlooking the Moscow river on a crisp day in November 2013, Donald Trump pouted, stared down the lens of a television camera and said something he would come to regret.

Asked by an interviewer whether he had a relationship with Russian president Vladimir Putin, the brash New York businessman could not resist boasting. “I do have a relationship with him,” Trump said.

Russia’s strongman had “done a very brilliant job”, Trump told MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts, before declaring that Putin had bested Barack Obama. “He’s done an amazing job – he’s put himself really at the forefront of the world as a leader in a short period of time.”

Four years later, he is struggling to shake off the hangover.”

Whether this article is precisely accurate or not, this suggests that his experience in Russia in 2013 may have set in motion not only current issues related to that country but more to follow. From 2014 through 2019, he has the number 28/1 in his chart in his yearly forecast.  This number, in that position, signifies that he has been and will continue to be in a state of flux or instability throughout those years, never knowing what’s coming next while trying to maintain a masterful stance. 2018 is an especially difficult year for him, judging from the fact that he has the 28/1 for the entire year, combined with other difficult numbers for shorter periods throughout this year. 

Following his birthday, June 14, 2018 to February of 2019, his numbers indicate that he may feel as though he is packing a heavy cross to bear. Considering this period extends after the November 2018 elections, it might have to do with a big “Blue” wave therein.

After that period, from February to June, 2019, he has a number that indicates endings, which can be positive or negative depending on what has preceded or follows that date. Mostly, it appears as though he may feel some relief from the aforementioned stress, but other of his numbers at that time show that he will likely experience some loneliness and do his best to maintain a stance of secrecy. This period will also likely be emotionally difficult for him, too.

 Following his birthday on June 14, 2019, he will likely be tweeting quite a bit because he has a number that indicates that he may be taking issue with many people, topics, and circumstances (this didn’t really need to be in the prediction).  Much of this angst may have to do with his marriage, as the symbols that denote “trouble on the home front” are also present. 

After his birthday in 2021 and 2022, he has a bit of a reprieve for 2 years . . . . before the storm.  The storm hits him in 2023 and continues on for most of the rest of his life.  After age 84, there are again some numbers that indicate some liberation or release from woes and angst, but there are still a few lessons in his life path that show up even into his late 80s and early 90s.

 When one lives the high life, as Donald Trump tends to do, the lows are sometimes more difficult because it may seem that more is at stake. However, from a mystical science perspective, all lessons and difficulties take place to help us with our personal growth and/or evolution and are independent of our socioeconomic, earthly status. There are always spiritual “gifts” that are bestowed upon us for every hardship or travesty we encounter in life . . . IF we are willing and able to look for them once the debris of each lesson has been cleared away.  Donald Trump’s chart shows that he has had many opportunities to “grow” and “evolve” since his youth, and perhaps the signs of more difficulties to come in his chart going forward will bring him to a newfound, higher consciousness. As always, time will tell.

ROBERT MUELLER was born on August 7, 1944.  Mueller’s name reduces to the master number 77. Master numbers are bestowed on those whose mission is to give more because more is expected of them. The 77 is a master number associated with wisdom, power, dignity, and prosperity. He is also born on the 7th, a number associated with genius, reserve, competency, rigor, and patience.

 His destiny number (life path) is another master number, 33.  The 33 is associated with honorable service, compassion, deep understanding, and selfless giving with no thought of return. From all accounts offered by those who know him, he is definitely walking his destined path in this life. 

Starting in 2017 through 2018, he has the 46/1, which is his yearly influence for both of those years.  The 46/1 can indicate that he feels he stands alone, with no one to confide in or ask for counsel. That attribute is also common for someone who resonates to the number 77 and has a 7 birthday, as the 7 is associated with one who is wholly secretive and confidential in all matters, and especially in his personal life.

 There is another influence present in Mueller’s chart, which influences the 4 months following his birthday on August 7tt of this year. That number influence is the 29/11.  The 29/11 indicates that he would likely be feeling some stress and perhaps some emotion over what he is encountering throughout that period.  From December 7, 2018 to April 7, 2019, he has the number 26/8.  That is a number of working harder and longer than he wants to work, but being conscientious and responsible to his duties at hand.  It is the number of “never giving up until the job is done.” 

 From April 7, 2019 to his birthday on August 7, 2019, he has the number 27/9, which is the same number Donald Trump has in his chart during that same period.  As expressed above, it means an ending of something, which can be positive or negative, depending on what has precipitated the ending.

 Mueller’s numbers are relaxed and complacent after his birthday in 2019, going forward for 2 to 3 years.  It appears he may take a sabbatical for a couple years, and then come back full steam in 2022, working and graciously serving for many years into his future.


A friend and client of mine, Khelly Webb, who is the founder and principal of Center for Healing Life in Long Beach, CA (and a wonderfully beautiful & proud American Indian), offered me an idea I couldn’t resist.

Khelly wondered if Donald Trump might be the reincarnation of King Henry VIII.  She pointed out that Trump has the same hair color and stocky build and definitely appears to think and act like an overbearing King, and although Trump has had only 3 wives to Henry’s 6, he has his own method for hanging them out to dry, in a manner of speaking. And interestingly, from a numerological standpoint, he and King Henry have the same “destiny” number (found by adding together all the numbers in the birthdate reducing to a single digit).  Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 and King Henry VIII was born on June 28, 1491 and both birthdates reduce to the 4.

One of my reference books offered what could be personality similarities of the King and the wannabe, other than making heads roll. I found the following personality descriptions for what is called the “OVER-BALANCED 4” (one who represents the hyper side of the 4), as follows:  Antagonistic, bigoted, boastful, bombastic, conceited, contradictory, discourteous, ill-mannered, opinionated, provincial, perverse, recalcitrant, rude, stubborn, uncompromising, uncouth, and vulgar.

The “BALANCED 4”, on the other hand, has the following traits: Accurate, attentive, careful, cautious, compliant, dependable, determined, direct, exacting, frank, frugal, industrious, loyal, measured, patient, practical, reasonable, sensible, thorough, tireless, and well-behaved.

So there’s something there for whichever way one might want to characterize our 45th president.  I have also always found it interesting that the name “Donald Trump” reduces to the 45 and that he is also the 45th president. In my practice, I have labeled the 45 as the “Rodney Dangerfield” number for that comedian’s pat line “I don’t get no respect.” It does seem that one who packs the 45 number in one way or another doesn’t get the respect they feel they are due or, another way of viewing it, doesn’t receive the acknowledgment and credit for what they bring to the table.


6, 7, 9, 11, 22
In numerology, the number 7, as a “personality” number (the number of the day of one’s birth) is offered the auspicious definition of “one who tends to have easier access to their genius”. It is a number of one who tends to be a perfectionist, loves to research and analyze, is private about personal affairs, dignified, has a unique personal philosophy, is charming in the public, and likes his/her own space more than hobnobbing in crowds.
When the 7 falls in ones numerological chart in certain positions, it usually indicates a major shift in their life, and many times it indicates a loss of someone or something. It also tends to suggest much transition in the life of someone who has the 7 as a personality or “destiny number” (full addition of the birthdate reduced to a single digit).
The 11 is considered an elevated number on the “spiritual plane,” and when a date reduces to the 11, it is not further reduced to a 2, because the 11 is considered a Master Number. All the identical double digit numbers are Master Numbers and when someone is born with them in their name or birthdate, it is understood that they came into this lifetime wanting to do more to help others than most people would be inclined to do.
An individual who is born on the 11th has higher intuitive skills, and usually possesses stronger empathy and compassion than the average soul. The 11 influence is also known for giving one the ability to arbitrate, mediate, and bring about peace and harmony to others when needed. Those with the 11 as a “personality” number or a destiny number often find that people with problems seem to gravitate to them, usually without provocation, and then tell them all their trials and woes. And, because of the heightened vibration of the 11, they readily deliver “pearls of wisdom” to offer solace and understanding to those who seek them out. I call people with the 11 prevalent in their numerological chart, “angels of the earth”.
I chose to write about the Kennedys because I had just seen the film “Chappaquiddick” which is a true story about Senator Ted Kennedy running off a bridge railing into the Chappaquiddick Pond and, as a consequence, killing Mary Jo Kopechne, who was riding with him at the time.
That event occurred on July 18, 1969. The accident occurred in the 7th month, in a 7 year (1+9+6+9 = 7) which spurred me on to investigate other members of the Kennedy family to determine how the 7 (a number that can represent loss and major transitions), might affect their lives too.
My investigation found that the patriarch of the Kennedy Clan, Joseph Patrick Kennedy, and the matriarch Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy both had comparable numbers and, after analyzing 47 other members of the clan, I found that the numbers that Joe and Rose had in their charts showed up over and over again in other Kennedy family members.
Joseph Patrick Kennedy’s numbers were Name: 4, Month of birth: 9, Day of birth 6, Destiny number 22. He died in the 11th month, November, on a 9 day, and the “destiny” of the death was 7.
Rose Kennedy’s numbers were comparable to his. Name: 4, Month of birth 7, Day of birth 22, Destiny number 11, Month of Death January, Day 22, and the “destiny’ of the death was 7.
So their most prevalent numbers were 4, 6, 7, 9, and 11, that’s only the beginning.
President John F. Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917. His birth “day” number was 29, which reduces to the 11. And, the full addition of his birthdate (the “destiny number” was a 7. He was assassinated in the 11th month on the 22nd day (the 22 also reigns high in the Kennedy family and is another “Master Number”) and that full date also reduced to a 7.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was born in the 7th month on the 28th of July, 1929, and that date reduced to an 11. She died on May 19, 1994, a date that also reduced to an 11.
Caroline Bouvier Kennedy was born in November, the 11th month.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. was born in the 11th month, and he was born on a 7 day (the 25th – 2+5 = 7) and the full addition of his birthdate reduced to a 7 (11+25+1960 = 52/7).
Bobby Kennedy was born in November, the 11th month.
Ethel Kennedy was born on the 11th of April.
Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, JFK and Jacqueline’s son that died at birth, was born on August 7, 1963. So like his brother John, he was born on a 7 day, and the full addition of Patrick’s birthdate also reduced to a 7. (8+7+1963 = 34 and 3+4 = 7).
JFK, Jr.’s wife, Carolyn, was born on the 7th of January, and she and John died on July 7, 1999 = 33. So they died in the 7th month on the 7th, and the full addition of that date reduced to the 33, a number that is found in many charts when one dies. It is also a Master Number and happens to be the number that the name Kennedy reduces to (2+5+5+5+5+4+7 = 33). This master number indicates that the Kennedy family came to give of themselves in a major humanitarian way. The number 6 is the number of the humanitarian, but when you take it to a Master Number level, it means that its charge is much higher and more intense than the 6 to which the 33 would reduce to were it not a Master Number.
Ted Kennedy was born on February 22, 1932. His “destiny” number is the 39/3. The number 39 reduces to the 12, which is called the number of one who sacrifices his/her own needs for the sake of others. And being born on the 22, meant that he would have been obsessed with his career. Senator Kennedy died on the 7th of August in 2009, which was an 11 year (2 +0+0+9 = 11).
This newsletter is pointing out the number associations of only 11 members of the Kennedy clan. That track surprisingly well with this family’s history of notable service, tragedy, and loss. I did make note of the youngest member who is already a Congressional Representative for the state of Massachusetts, Joseph Patrick Kennedy, III. His name reduces to the number 22, and he was born on a 4 day, which is associated with 22 (2+2 = 4) but his “destiny number” is a 5 (the number of the “freedom fighter”). So perhaps he is bringing in a new vibration for the Kennedys that will see them all living longer, healthier and happier lives serving their communities and country as they see fit.
                                                                                Name  Mo.    Day    Fate
Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Sr.
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
Joseph Patrick Kennedy, Jr.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Rose Marie Kennedy
Kathleen Agnes Kennedy
Eunice Mary Kennedy
Patricia Helen Kennedy
Robert Francis Kennedy (Bobby)
Jean Ann Kennedy
Edward Moore Kennedy (Ted)
Jacqueline Lee Bouvier
Caroline Bouvier Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr.
Patrick Bouvier Kennedy
Ethel Skakel Kennedy
Kathleen Hartington Kennedy
Joseph Patrick Kennedy, II
Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.                  
David Anthony Kennedy
Mary Courtney Kennedy
Michael LeMoyne Kennedy
Mary “Kerry” Kennedy
Christopher George Kennedy
Matthew Maxwell Taylor Kennedy
Douglas Harriman Kennedy
Joseph Patrick Kennedy III
Peter Sydney Ernest Lawford
Christopher Kennedy Lawford
Sydney Maleia Kennedy Lawford
Victoria Francis Lawford
Robin Elizabeth Lawford
Robert Sargent Schriver, Jr.                    
Robert Sargent Schriver III
Maria Owings Schriver
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger
Kara Anne Kennedy
Edward Moore Kennedy, Jr.                  
Patrick Joseph Kennedy II
William Kennedy Smith
Kym Marie Smith
Joseph Patrick Kennedy III
Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger
Patrick Arnold Schriver
Rose Kennedy Schlossberg
John Bouvier Kennedy Schlossberg
Tatiana Celia Kennedy Schlossberg
NUMBER OF 7s:              31
NUMBER OF 11s:            31
NUMBER OF 4/22:         25
NUMBER OF 9s:               22
NUMBER OF 6S:               16
6 =      The humanitarian, dedicated to helping those who cannot help themselves as well as others
7 =      The genius, perfectionist, avant-garde individualist
9 =      The Universal Humanitarian, dedicated to helping others on a global level; stately politicians and do gooders
11 =   The Ambassador type; mediators, arbitrators, peacemakers.
22 =   The visionaries; offering ideas and concepts that move society to a higher level industrially and philosophically


Retired Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio was born on June 14, 1932, which means 1) he was born in the same month, on the same day as, guess who!?!, Donald Trump! AND, 2) although the news intimated that he would be throwing his proverbial hat in the political ring, he also just turned EIGHTY-FIVE!!! Excuse me!  I mean, do we need more addled, Good-OLD-Boys in ANY seat that represents “the people” anymore?  And especially one who feels he is right when the majority of those with caring hearts and open minds are opposed to everything for which he stands?!! 

I mean, hasn’t this abomination of political preposterousness, initiated by the right (which seems to always be WRONG when it comes to caring for those who aren’t “livin’ the life”), gone far enough? 

It felt as though my mind were trying to adapt to a scary movie after reading Arpaio’s ad for running for the Arizona Senate seat in 2018, which offers, in part, “Support Joe Arpaio for US Senate. Make Senate Great Again. Build USA – Mexican Wall.”  Fortunately, my numbers show that this man will NOT win his vied-for seat in the Senate, quite obviously, at this juncture, I would think.  He’s also, obviously a “control freak” which is the low side of his destiny number 8. 

Once again, I feel the need to reiterate the First Amendment of the United States of America:

First Amendment. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

And the Fourth Amendment, for which I’m sure, judging from his history with immigrants and others in prison, Arpaio has violated over and over again:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Joe Arpaio is a man who obviously isn’t well versed on The Constitution of the USA nor the reasoning powers to understand and acclimate to its tenets.

The Numbers of the First Woman Mayor Elected in Baton Rouge, Louisiana (and she’s African American, too!)

On October 14, 2017, (born Sarah Martina Broome =38/11), birthdate June 5, 1984 = 33/6, became the first woman Mayor in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 

Her destiny number, 33/6, is called the “Christ-like” number.  In other words, she has a cross to bear, which she has the strength and stamina to manage, regardless of what that might be. The 33/6 also indicates she is someone who goes the extra mile with everything and anything she is asked to do, and it also makes her a strong defender of fairness and justice.

Being born on the 5th, she is a quick study, learning rapidly whatever is needed to give her the knowledge required for her new position. Having the 83/11 as her name number, which denotes how she will present herself in the public, gives her eloquence and the possibility of illumination, rising to some height in her life where she will be known by the masses. (Seems as though she has done that).

Her chart shows that she will likely go beyond the mayor position when she is between the years of 35 to 39 (she is currently 33).  Whatever she does, she will succeed.  There is definitely a positive political future ahead of her and it would be great if she ran for Congress in the future.  Currently, there are 84 women in the House of Representatives, and only 21 in the Senate. That’s only 95 women and 440 men as members of Congress at this time.  That means that women represent only 17.8% of Congress, when we are actually more than 50% of the population. 


The following is a brief numerological take on the Trump kids.
Donald Trump, Jr. (born 12/31/1977):  DT, Jr.’s name number is a 6. That number denotes his social/public self and he would therefore be very responsible and accommodating to whatever is expected of him in the public forum. He is born on a 4 day (the 31st) and has a 4 destiny. Trump, Sr. also has a 4 destiny. The 4 is a good number for entrepreneurs because they tend to be reliable, dependable, dedicated, conscientious, committed, and workaholics.  The downside is that they can be brazenly blunt, non-conformists, have a decided dislike to follow others’ rules and dictates, and usually avoid being involved in any structured or formal societal group or clubs that might harness their wholly independent nature. They could be considered friendly loners who prefer their work over anything else. DT, Jr. would have those qualities doubly. He would tend to be a faithful husband and a dedicated parent. It would seem appropriate, because of the above attributes and proclivities, that he was chosen to run the family empire in Donald, Sr.’s absence.
Ivanka Trump (born on 10/31/1981): Ivanka’s name number (the public persona) is a 3 which gives her eloquence and panache. She is also born on a 4 day, like Donald, Jr., and her destiny number is 6. The qualities of the 6 as a destiny number would tend toward being a humanitarian and caring especially for those who can’t help themselves as well as others. Her charitable affiliations are listed as Aids LIFE, Children’s Aid Society, Habitat for Humanity, United Cerebral Palsy, and Walkabout Foundation, so it appears she decidedly involves herself with humanitarian causes. The negative traits of the 6 are those of being self-righteousness, martyrdom, and finding it impossible to see another’s point of view when it doesn’t concur with their own. Regarding Ivanka becoming President Trump’s go-to person with an office in the West Wing, this can be a plus because 6s are ardent supporters of their family members, and have a great desire to help and serve.  AND, If her father will listen to her thoughtful and responsible logic, she may be a catalyst to help him think twice before he runs off the rails with his tweets, etc. Time will tell.
Eric Trump (born: 1/6/1984): Eric’s name number is 8 and he, therefore, would be inclined to follow protocol to a tee. As has been apparent when he has been in the spotlight, he is dignified and gracious. He is born on a 6 day, the attributes of which are comparable to Ivanka’s destiny number, applied more to his home, family, and private life than the public. Still he would be responsible and gentlemanly either place. He has a 29/11 destiny. The 29/11 gives Eric a (sometimes) super-sensitive nature, and he would tend to resist any kind of confrontation or conflict because those with 11 destinies are known as the “ambassador” types – – diplomats and peacemakers. Obama, Clinton, and Reagan all had 11 destinies. The negative side of the 29/11 is that he could be too sensitive, a vacillator (wanting to keep the peace for both sides), and a bit too emotional to deal with stressful circumstances and situations.  His chart shows that he feels a need to “watch his back” at this time in his life and interestingly that influence stays in until his birthday in January of 2020. 
Tiffany Trump (Born 10/13/1993): Tiffany’s name number is the 6 and she would, therefore, fall in line with her older two half-brothers and half-sister, all of whom possess responsible, considerate, socially adept public personas.  Tiffany is also born on a 4 day, like her half-sister Ivanka and half-brother Donald, Jr. Tiffany has a 9 destiny number and this indicates that she would love the limelight, although it appears that she is being kept in the background by the “powers that be” at this time. She would greatly enjoy the social life, be somewhat of a “people-pleaser” at this age, but develop very strong opinions and values as she matures and she would likely choose to follow her father’s political choices. The number 9 influence, being strong in both in her public life and behind the scenes, would definitely help her to be socially graceful, compliant, and someone who would never want to bring any negative media coverage to her family or herself. This year and next year will be difficult for her, but she gains some recognition and/or monetary bonus when she is 25 and 26. Things change for her significantly in 2020 (when she turns 27), in a less favorable way, and for quite a few years thereafter, as appears to be the case for her siblings and father, as well.
Barron Trump  (born: March 20, 2006):  Barron’s name number is the 1, which indicates that he will one day likely be a leader in some fashion or another. The social 1 personality is independent, individualistic, leader-oriented, and a bit of a maverick. Barron is born on the 20th, which is comparable to the 29th destiny of his half-brother Eric. The 20 as the “personality” number would make this little guy sensitive and contained, as well as a diplomat and peacemaker – good qualities to possess, for sure. He also has a 4 destiny like his father and his half-brother Donald, Jr.  He will likely follow in his father’s footsteps in business, but offer a more charming and appealing persona to those who get to know him well, because of the number 20. His chart shows that he will fare better than his siblings in the aftermath of his father’s reign as President of the USA. His mother’s chart has comparable positive numbers, so perhaps staying out of the fray is the key to those positive influences.
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