Category: Business
This man, unconsciously, created a personal kind of suicide for himself and there were some interesting items I found in my research about him from the mystical sciences that astounded me because of their apropos accounts of things occurring for him this year and the next:
Weinstein, born on March 19, 1952, has the number 8 as his social/public persona. The high sign of the 8 is called the “Class Act,” which is far afield from what we have learned about him. On the “low side,” the 8 influence gives one the desire to control, scheme, and manipulate others. Seems he was definitely on that side.
His personality number (the day – 19th) is a 1, another number which, on the low side, is all about power and control.
His Destiny number is the 3, which is often described as the Peter Pan number, depicting someone who never wants to grow up. This definition seems to be viable in this case.
Here’s what one of my reference books offers for this year for him (Wherever it refers to “you” or “he,” those words are synonymous with “Weinstein,” just FYI]: With this powerful number of karma and equality present, it is highly likely that you will have to come to terms with some things you have done in the past and make amends. You could have some experiences this year that occur as a result of things that you have been telling others that were either untrue or unjust in their application. For example, someone who has proclaimed to the world about his innocence in a certain situation, but who in fact is guilty, may get caught under this powerful karmic influence. This particular 6 can mean the settlement of old scores and when this is the case the effects of the settlements are equal to how long the misrepresentations have been going on and how many people were affected by them.
Next year, Weinstein has the following influence in a very powerful position:
This year you will likely have one or more of your most important relationships coming to an end. The time has come to let go of these and move on, and yet, it may not be easy to do. You may want these endings and that is a problem for you, or you don’t want them to end and they are ending anyway. Personal attachments may be surfacing that make these endings very difficult. These endings could manifest as a divorce, either personally or professionally. If these endings leave you disappointed in any way, it is likely that you are emotionally attached.
Many times I’m quite surprised when something matches so closely to the circumstances at hand, as these statements did. So, it’s my opinion that “the Cosmos know the truth” and retribution is on its way to Mr. Weinstein.
Ms. Spade was born on December 24, 1962, which is, interestingly, the same birth date as her husband Andrew Spade. Because they have the same birth date, they, therefore, had many of the same influences in their numerological charts at the time of Kate’s death. However, because they had different names, there were also significant differences. At that time, Andrew’s chart had an influence that portended that he would be given the opportunity to gain latent strength through strife and trials. That influence is not in Ms. Spade’s chart.
They both had the influence of the number 30 in their lives at age 55, and at the time of Kate’s death. I have often found the 30 in the charts of those who die accidentally or unexpectedly, and have referred to it as the number that depicts “the bird being let out of its cage.” It is also a number of joy and happiness, so that definition seems apt when one considers that Ms. Spade was psychologically “caged” by her own mind and is now released from the thoughts that bound her in depression.
Ms. Spade also had the number 18 come into her chart at the same time as the number 30. It portends possible onset of illness or depression, especially if one is prone to those conditions. It is usually a “wake-up” symbol to seriously address those elements should they be prevalent in one’s life.
Her “destiny” number (the full addition of the birth date) was a 9. She definitely lived the 9 to its fullest expression, described as the destiny number that can bestow success beyond one’s expectations in business, which certainly occurred in her life.
Both Kate and Andrew were in a 1 personal year, which ushers in major shifts in one’s life, along with powerful turning points. It is a year of new beginnings, casting out the old and welcoming in the new, and from my esoteric philosophy, they are both experiencing those things in different dimensions.
A friend and client of mine, Khelly Webb, who is the founder and principal of Center for Healing Life in Long Beach, CA (and a wonderfully beautiful & proud American Indian), offered me an idea I couldn’t resist.
Khelly wondered if Donald Trump might be the reincarnation of King Henry VIII. She pointed out that Trump has the same hair color and stocky build and definitely appears to think and act like an overbearing King, and although Trump has had only 3 wives to Henry’s 6, he has his own method for hanging them out to dry, in a manner of speaking. And interestingly, from a numerological standpoint, he and King Henry have the same “destiny” number (found by adding together all the numbers in the birthdate reducing to a single digit). Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 and King Henry VIII was born on June 28, 1491 and both birthdates reduce to the 4.
One of my reference books offered what could be personality similarities of the King and the wannabe, other than making heads roll. I found the following personality descriptions for what is called the “OVER-BALANCED 4” (one who represents the hyper side of the 4), as follows: Antagonistic, bigoted, boastful, bombastic, conceited, contradictory, discourteous, ill-mannered, opinionated, provincial, perverse, recalcitrant, rude, stubborn, uncompromising, uncouth, and vulgar.
The “BALANCED 4”, on the other hand, has the following traits: Accurate, attentive, careful, cautious, compliant, dependable, determined, direct, exacting, frank, frugal, industrious, loyal, measured, patient, practical, reasonable, sensible, thorough, tireless, and well-behaved.
So there’s something there for whichever way one might want to characterize our 45th president. I have also always found it interesting that the name “Donald Trump” reduces to the 45 and that he is also the 45th president. In my practice, I have labeled the 45 as the “Rodney Dangerfield” number for that comedian’s pat line “I don’t get no respect.” It does seem that one who packs the 45 number in one way or another doesn’t get the respect they feel they are due or, another way of viewing it, doesn’t receive the acknowledgment and credit for what they bring to the table.
With all the “divisions” going on in our great country these days, we sometimes overlook some of the most reinforcing wonders of our existence, like daisies and dandelions growing between cracks in sidewalks. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, and Malala Yousafzai, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate activist, joining forces to help bring education to young women all over the world may be much more valuable and dynamic than those daisies and dandelions bursting through what could be formidable barriers, but the effect is much the same.
In my humble opinion and numerologically speaking, there is no better combo than Tim Donald Cook (born November 1, 1960) and Malala Yousafzai (born July 12, 1997) to manifest this monumental step forward in humanity.
Tim Cook’s name number is a 6, the number of the humanitarian. The name number indicates what he is most inclined to effect in his public life. The 6 is a leader — a leader for fairness and justice for all. That philosophy would be a strong element in all his dealings, but there’s more to Mr. Cook than that, obviously.
His name from birth offers that he is a “Dharmic Soul,” which, in numerology, is a soul who returns to this plane to one day help the many, as opposed to the few, in some humanitarian way. It appears he has found his “mission.”
Also, Cook would not have been chosen by Steve Jobs to replace him as the CEO of Apple if he didn’t have some of his the same qualities. In that regard, Cook’s “destiny number,” which is a 1, is the same as Jobs. That means that Cook shares the same original, entrepreneurial, and innovative proclivities. There are other aspects to Cook’s and Jobs’ charts that show he could also be as formidable a CEO as Jobs, but he is now applying some of those attributes to pioneer a project that hopefully can change the lives of thousands, if not millions, of girls and women around the world.
In a previous newsletter I had written about Malala in which I expressed how ironic it was that her tragic attack was carried out on October 9, 2014, the anniversary of John Lennon’s birthday. It is also fascinating that Malala has the same destiny number as Mother Teresa which is the 9, the number of the “universal humanitarian.” Malala’s name number, which is the 1, is the same number as Jobs’ and Cooks’ destiny numbers, Both of those numbers give her the same powerful leadership abilities, courage, stamina and follow-through resolve that will be called for to affect this wonderful project.
I have often offered in my past newsletters that the 21st century is the “Women’s Millennium.” I envision the combination of Cook and Malala as building a symbolic Ark for the millions of young girls all over the world who might never gain an education without these two individuals at the helm. They are steering “the Women’s Millennium Ark” toward the future with more and more young women taking positions of leadership and authority, through their educations and natural nurturing qualities, to save the earth from the devastation that is currently being imposed upon it and to impact a multitude of human quality-of-life issues.
I couldn’t find a funding site for this project, but I’m sure there will be an announcement for it in the not-too-far future. I can “see” through my numerological lens, that the next 2 years will be difficult for both Cook and Malala. Cook is going to be “working his buns off” like never before through 2019, and Malala’s chart shows that she will have accomplished something that brings her even greater recognition and honor by 2021. Malala is currently a student at Oxford University, so her plate is filled to the brim at this time, too.
Gracious and giving projects like this are necessary in times like these to help raise our consciousness to a higher level. Needless to say, Tim Cook and Malala Yousafzai deserve our appreciation and support for taking on this incredibly daunting, yet enormously rousing and stimulating, project.
I recently read an article about Billionaires and their wives and thought it would be interesting to see how well Billionaires fare when choosing a wife. (The numbers in parenthesis are those associated with the individual.) The following are 14 of those billionaire couples: