16 Jan 2020
From a numerological perspective, 2020 is going to be a very revolutionary year, especially for women. Until July 4th, 2020, the United States remains in a 5 personal year – a year of major change. From viewing the numerological charts of almost everyone with a title in our government, I would say that we are truly in store for a very major change. Perhaps we may see a swarm of woman going to the polls in November to affect profound change…we shall see. 
As I have expressed before, this millennial of the 2000s is influenced by a strong female vibration – the number 2. The number 2 is associated with adaptability diplomacy, graciousness, hospitality, patience, prudence, trustworthiness, and tolerance. And 2020 adds an additional 2, which can bring forth a “double whammy” of those qualities. The double 0s are also important from this perspective, because the 0 represents divine guidance, inspiration, and protection. Of course, as with all things, it’s all in one’s state of mind that makes these vibrations positive or negative. Regardless of your biologic gender identity, as you go forth in this exciting New Year, consider the energies of these vibrations in your own life from both a personal and professional perspective. All humans have aspects of the “feminine” and “masculine” in our energy fields and this year is a time when the feminine force in all of us will be playing large!
2020 reduces to the 4 and it is therefore a 4-year universally. The 4, when added to each individual month, brings forth the universal influences affecting each month, as follows:
January: 1 (the month) + 4 (the year) = 5: The 5 brings a shift or change for the better or, less ideally, impatience for change. On the positive side, the 5 is the number of things moving quickly to alter any negative aspects associated with circumstances and situations. Negatively, it can bring about restlessness, dissention, and even riot-like actions from those who are in disharmony with their environs. You may see or wish to see change in your own life or experience it in your own families, communities, or the world at large. Remember to go with the flow…change will be coming so like a surfer on a wave, ride it as best you can.
February: 2 + 4 = 6: The 6 is the number of humanitarianism. Hopefully, there will be many positive actions and reactions for helping those in need during this month, such as creating or setting the stage for more jobs, health benefits, and other life-improving conditions throughout the USA. Negatively, it can be a vibration that amplifies the stern judgments and inhospitable stances of individuals that object to socially progressive programs. Closer to home, you may find opportunities to reach out and improve the lives of your loved ones or work associates. Just know that if this comes up for you, you are in alignment with the overall energy of the month.
March: 3 + 4 = 7: The 7 is associated with all things unique and unusual. It is also correlated with enlightenment, idealism, spirituality, truth seeking, and wisdom. Making use of some or all of those qualities could be helpful to the downtrodden on this planet, especially by understanding that there are more than just us humans that make this world what it is. Human thoughts are powerful, and the more one can think positively, the better off we are. Negatively, the 7 can be experienced by some as circumstance that hinder them personally or cause them to disconnect or disassociate with most of what is occurring around them. These attitudes can bring about cynicism and anti-social behavior, which thereby cause stagnation. As many accept, what occurs is quite likely what is meant to be. Acknowledging that can help you better navigate all future occurrences.
April: 4 + 4 = 8: The 8 is associated with power, fame, and abundance and is the most powerful of the female-oriented numbers. It is the vibrational overseer of courage, dignity, honesty, responsibility, and progress. Despite being considered a feminine number, its energy exists in all genders. Negatively affected it can bring forth abuse of power, avariciousness, restrictions, and uncivilized circumstances. In April, you may see more power plays than usual, either personally or on the national or international stages.  
May: 4 + 5 = 9: The 9 is the number of the “universal humanitarian”. Qualities associated with the 9 are benevolence, compassion, generosity, hospitality, tolerance, and enlightenment. Negatively expressed, those delightful features could be shrouded by bigotry, fearfulness, greed and superficiality. It is easy to imagine any number of ways this energy may express itself. Perhaps on a personal level, compassion comes to the forefront to heal a troubled relationship. Maybe on the national stage some of the polarization and intolerance melts away. We can only hope.   
June: 4 + 6 = 10/1: The number 10/1 is associated with temperance and good fortune. Its vibration possesses all the qualities of the 1, but it is a “gentle 1.” This number also portends “new beginnings,” along with ambition and achievement, originality and perseverance. Therefore, something could occur during the month of June that will signal a change in your personal life, career, USA, or the world, for the better. It certainly makes sense that a month of compassion and healing would be followed by a month of “new beginnings”. Make the most of it!
July: 4 + 7 = 11: July is an 11-month for the nation. The 11, positively expressed, is associated with enlightened guidance and evolution. Negatively expressed, the 11 can cause indecision, skepticism, and unpredictability. The USA’s personal year changes this month to a 6 year from July 2020 to June 2021. The USA, therefore, will be experiencing it’s New Year as a 6, with the July overtone of the 11. The 6, again, is the number of humanitarianism. Adding the high vibration of the evolutionary 11 to that could bring about some radical changes to our country and our society – for the better. Let’s hope and pray that will occur.
August: 4 + 8 = 12/3: The 12 is the number of “sacrificing one’s own needs for the sake of others.” That would be a positive aftermath of what might occur in July – taking up the torch of helping those who suffer in our homes, communities, and around the country and world – as America has been known for doing for many generations past. The 12 reduces to the 3 (1+2 = 3) and that can indicate that something positive can occur in our country and our world. The 3 is a symbol of good fortune in many cultures, and it might be a good thing to hold that idea in stead to hopefully bring forth something special and positive in August. On a national level, hat is the month that the Democrats choose a nominee for the Presidency.
September: 4 + 9 = 13/4: This is a number of transformation and revolution. One can only imagine, considering the Democratic nominee will have been named, what type of transformative energy might be in play for the USA! The USA will be in a 15/6 month (read November below for its interpretation). The 13/4 is a symbol of power, which if wrongly used will bring forth negative circumstances for whoever might be the instigator of same. It may be up to “The Gods” to harness the outcome of this month’s drama, at least from a political standpoint. I make no conjecture on this political outcome. In one of my reference books, the Number 13 suggests the possibility of something unknown or unexpected. If you have been navigating the prior months successfully, you are ready for this month, which can bring about something unexpected that can be applied for your own greater success.
October: 4 + 10 = 14/5: This is a 14/5 for the universe, and a 7 for the USA (7 being the number that brings forth unique and unusual circumstances and situations). The 14/5, on the other hand, is a number that is fortunate for dealings with money, speculation, and changes in ones career, but there is always a strong element of risk attached to it, sometimes owing to the actions and foolhardiness of others. The bottom line is to be diligent, thoughtful, and prudent in October, particularly with respect to anything with financial implications.  
November : 4 + 11 = 15/6: The number 15 is associated with magic and mystery; but as a rule it does not represent the higher side of those elements. Any person(s) represented by it may use every act of magic they can for their aims, even nefarious sources to gain what he or she desires. The 14/5 is also associated with “good talkers” and someone with a strong personal magnetism, qualities that are general associated with politicians.
Since the election is on the 3rd of November, I checked out President Donald Trump’s numbers in relation to that date, and found that he has the 11 as the overtone of that day. The 11 is a high spiritual number and therefore, possibly, it is simply up to the higher source (God for some) whether he remains in office or not. Biden has the number 3 as his overtone for that day, and that is the number of bounty and good fortune . . . but still we don’t know who the nominee will be. Elizabeth Warren has the number 1 as the overtone for that day and that means “new beginnings” for her, so that could go either way. Bernie Sanders has an 8 on that day, and it’s a 5 month for him – the 5 meaning major change and the 8 meaning winning! That would be quite an unusual conclusion, I would speculate. Biden’s good fortune could simply be Trump losing. Warren’s new beginnings could be a democratically controlled senate or the promise of a fed job. At this time, the outcome of this election is anyone’s guess.
December is a 16/7 month. The 16/7: usually brings past actions home to roost, providing a reason to contemplate and reflect on preceding events in order to understand a current outcome. And as stated earlier, the 7 is associated with all things unusual. Whatever happens in December, whether personal, professional, or national, upon reflection, you may be surprised. Hopefully, the surprise will be a delightful gift you receive from under the Christmas tree.
All in all, 2020 is chock full of interesting numerological dynamics and possibilities. Accepting this likelihood can help you to better navigate your own apprehension or discernment to affect the best outcomes for you and those you love. 
Wishing you much joy, health, and success in 2020!

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