What Is Your Numerology Profile?
“Western” numerology, which I practice, was founded by Pythagoras, the renowned Greek mathematician and philosopher who lived in 500 B.C. Although evidence has been found that the practice of numerology even predates Pythagoras, The Pythagorean method is the most accepted process used by modern-day numerologists to bring light to the personal qualities and traits of an individual. In the practice of Western Numerology, every human has numeric vibration that reflect the positive and negative charges associated with the different facets of that individual, and these numbers correlate with the person’s birth date, name, and so forth. The three biggest numerological influences are the personality number, character number, and destiny number:
This is the strongest vibration you exhibit in your outside world, i.e.: socially and on-the-job. It is the persona you present in public and projects how you impress those who know you less intimately than family and friends. It is your polite, congenial, accommodating, and genteel persona, to the best of your ability.
This is the strongest vibration you exhibit in your outside world, i.e.: socially and on-the-job. It is the persona you present in public and projects how you impress those who know you less intimately than family and friends. It is your polite, congenial, accommodating, and genteel persona, to the best of your ability.
Of all the numbers, this one has the most powerful influence on your life. It is the compelling force within you that causes you to gravitate toward a certain lifestyle and career. It spawns an attraction to certain types of people, including your lovers and friends, and specific social activities. What you like in your surroundings, from furniture to ambiance, and how you acclimate to your environs are also affected by this dominant energy force. It is also the strongest motivational force in your life.
Enter your full name (typically what’s on your birth certificate) and full birth date to discover what your numerology profile says about you!